Regulatory T cells regulate blastemal proliferation during zebrafish caudal fin regeneration.

Hui SP, Sugimoto K, Sheng DZ, Kikuchi K.

Frontiers in Immunology 13:981000, 2022.

KCNJ8/ABCC9-containing K-ATP channel modulates brain vascular smooth muscle development and neurovascular coupling.

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Proper migration of lymphatic endothelial cells requires survival and guidance cues from arterial mural cells.

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Rough and smooth variants of Mycobacterium abscessus are differentially controlled by host immunity during chronic infection of adult zebrafish.

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Haem oxygenase limits Mycobacterium marinum infection-induced detrimental ferrostatin-sensitive cell death in zebrafish.

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Zebrafish Heme Oxygenase 1a Is Necessary for Normal Development and Macrophage Migration.

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Zebrafish 19:7-17, 2022.